la niña, perhaps…
january finch
deep soak
of morning sun…
arctic front cometh
orange unfolds
in front of snowcaps…
morning glow
smudged in to
the overnite fog…
wolf moon
after yoga
a glow around me…
wolf moon
glowing white
cloud redefines…
almost wolf moon
needing a break
another orchid drops…
yellow fading
drawn in
by moonlight…
i stare at venus
making space
in my space…
gnats linger
between calls
corner of my eye…
snow drifts over
blending in
snow’s hush…
a hoot
bare branches
at each tip…
morning sun
overnight growth
every lil’ thing…
a hoarfrost
through night
fog unveils…
something new
bare trees
full of ornaments…
morning frost
off to yoga
a lightness of being…
morning frost
2 a.m.
fog descends…
dog must pee
new year’s day
in neighbor’s trash…
christmas tree
soft tickle
down my eye…
of cold evening…
old dog whimpers
in the dark…
red shrivel
ash leaves
dry to bark…
shiver in cold
bare limbs
snuggle nest…
full of snow
after gust
nestled under covers…
only silence
cold wind
three years passing…
ripples frozen
along afternoon walk…
old dog keeps going
drain pipes
gurgle mountain water…
christmas day
soft hoots
dissolve my dream…
ever so often
hawk underbelly
flashing white…
the winter sun
licorice sip
after chemo round 5…
she’s got grit
stroking his spine
dying cat can’t resist…
whispering purr
bristle sound
permeates darkness…
cat licks
red flares
across winter blue…
empty branches
frozen path
crackle under our feet…
cat at window
orange clouds
not lost within…
orange contrail
gentle caress
a teardrop…
another nudge
back to sleep…
another purr
yellow leaves
staining its back…
beads of rain
morning invite
as season turns…
overnite rain
first snow
mountain top…
sunny here
midnight stumble
full moon-ish…
dog must pee
yet again
sliver moon beckons…
orange blue
evening light
disappearing within…
sliver of a moon
lonely cloud
melts into…
blue ether
another yellow
spins to the ground…
dog moves even slower
afternoon heat
the morning glory shriveled…
a delicate blue
cooler evening
not stopping these…
cricket songs
dried traces
drops remains…
after the rain
drops of rain
listening to darkness…
the dog sighs
drawn blinds
a whispered prayer…
breeze stirs the moon
season end
filling the air…
loud cricket songs
salty smell
lingers on…
supermoon yoga
evening full
of hollow whispers…
cancer diagnosis
morning spray
over grasshopper…
fall requiem
twilight sky
unfurling delicately…
datura bloom
gentle sway
to the improbable…
morning raga
pile of rocks
in full grace…
sunflowers bloom
morning cool
bees on purple blooms…
take it easy
yellow blooms
one too many…
alright by me
joy soars
among power lines…
red tail’s chwirk
trimming sky
chicory blooms…
dried remains
night blooming cereus…
another day has gone by
gentle wilt
sunflower laments…
summer is over
seasons turning
distant traffic hum…
remains same
cricket songs
a bit muted…
end of summer
twisted roots
delighting in…
new mix of sprouts
twilight hour
taking its time…
evening going slow
after the rain
evening opens…
brilliant orange
last of season
grasshopping around…
dead cousins
evening light
mountains in layers…
rays of hope
yoga move
sensing it deeper…
eyes wide shut
staring at birds
kitty cat relishes…
window dressing
soaking in
after yoga…
smell of rain
lil’ meow
in my face…
hungry cat
circles in gold
over the rockies…
fall is here
yoga pose
sensing within…
outside rain
day cooler
on our daily walk…
dead grasshoppers
in my face…
yoga beckons
first welcome
at istanbul metro…
kitty cat
in my head just…
rain drops
minutes after
spying outside…
sliver moon
her orange head
now brighter shade in…
setting sun
evening cool
old dog suddenly…
very pleased
ants scatter
with what remains…
shreds of softness
my madras print…
even it has aged
new day
dead on arrival…
baby swallow
afternoon cool
cats deeper…
in siesta
smell of grass
in this noisy din…
lawn mowers
whiskers tingle
in evening air…
stare at window
currant unripe
bite before yoga…
bitter sweet
afternoon rain
old dog takes…
it easy
clouds billow
across front range…
mind at ease
gurgling stream
gentle reminder…
summer days
morning warm
fresh weeds
smell of sweat
all my own…
hot yoga
morning glory
end of day…
curled in tender
longish day
picking annuals…
broken marigold
letting go
orange sheath…
new rubber leaf
losing sheen
infra red lamp…
hot yoga pose
blue clouds
can’t mask magic…
fuller moon
winter gone
rains bring chills…
to bone
morning walk
neighbor’s pooch…
pulling sidewards
slow moves
one after another…
weekend of rain
evening gentle
unsettled now…
by gentle rain
a bit of gentle…
wind swept day
howling wind
snoring mixed in…
old cat
tickling nose
in apple blooms…
whiff of spring
purple haze
among orange hues…
jazz in air
gentle scratch
telling me something…
in spite of age
season’s first
minature tomatoes…
this one too small
day of snow
indoor eating…
ice cream
cats linger
afternoon brings…
more snow
wafting by
yoga studio…
currant blossoms
brewing coffee
drowning out snore…
floor above
bellowing clouds
beyond mountains…
golden lining
keeping distance
ringing in my ears…
gentle purrs
tiny yellow
under street lamp…
spring blossoms
wind noise
her ears dance…
in and out
wind outside
drifting in and out…
of my sleep
orange fading
our every step…
evening hour
snow pile
left of it…
gray trace
morning blue
sky reflects in…
dog bowl
lost in
evening rain…
cat old
in spite of it…
purr gentle
shade whiter
snow fall remains…
under worm moon
chasing clouds
i find instead…
full moon
night time
out for daily fix…
gentle purr
on bare tree…
first finches
curling up
around itself…
morning glories
hot yoga
in between poses…
smell of sweat
settling in
extra large dog bed…
oversized purr
soaking sun
first after snow storm…
praire dogs
snow melt
gutter crackle…
end of the storm
city lights
sparkles in yellow…
even more snow
after beer
poor visibility…
splashing rain
erratic patterns
in this darkness…
night lamp
gentle snore
even cats sometimes…
have their days
drawing me
kumquat delight…
saturday afternoon
blue eyes
stare back…
kitty cat
tender shine
purple shoots still still…
morning sun
turning pale
in afternoon sun…
purple orchid
gentle smile
spotting first…
tomato buds
waft of home
my fingers roll…
curry leaves
snow squall
after yoga warmth…
welcome today
nails out
cat says it all…
get outta here
not sensing it…
windy afternoon
first one
then another…
meadow lark songs
closed behind…
full moon
staying warm
non yoga day…
cold fever
between our screens
keeping us centered…
cat purrs
scent of lime
between fingers…
long after
clock clicks
in between yogi yawns…
singing bowls
floating down
greeting us home…
sunshine brillant
senses fill…
gentle rain
next door…
rest stop
on my shoulder…
cat purrs
broken image
my own…
on icicle
anger. drift.
in between
afternoon sun
arugula microgreens…
really green
crystal bowls
drawing me in…
mountains a tad…
on concrete…
after yoga
snow flake on my head…
orchid wilts
giving way…
a new bud
shriveled up
fresh ginger
holding on
what remains…
snow crunch
on the trail…
nothing remains
fallin’ snow
off bare trees reveal…
spring buds
blades yellow
laced today…
soft snow
gray sky
reminder today is…
groundhog day
shades of purple
with every shave…
sweet potato
work desk
grounded watching…
orchid blooms
quick sip
japanese lager…
poems flow
sway and repeat
philip glass piano…
our pup snores
bare tree
inviting me in…
singing chikadee
her jacket
tandem with the sky…
so blue
music bends
sun has moved on…
clarity remains
leaves in sun
clarity at the edges…
tibetan chants
in sound bath…
purrs then snores
mornin’ rush
spying outside…
full moon
gray clouds
gentle reminder on edges…
tending plants
before sunrise…
coffee must wait
two breathes…
silence of evening…
coffee brews
sky east spreads…
autumn leaves
crisp and curled…
on bookshelf
gentle snore
in between us…
dog has aged
white gone gray
on this dark road…
tucked in between…
paw pads
bored beyond
days of cold…
dog sighs
whistle soft
warming oven…
cold evening
frigid day
time spent…
trimming cactus
tightly bound
book by basho…
haikus loose
not wanting
to miss out…
dog in my face
cold front
waiting for it…
cat snuggles
wind cold
her ears…
two am
old dog mind made up…
must pee
flash cooking
broccolini fresh…
time for yoga
lost behind
the Flatirons gone pale…
ball of gold
afternoon cold
distant caw…
sore throat
overnite pristine
suddenly stirred up…
by fresh paw prints
cut in half
fresh raddichio…
purple swirls
calm pond
reflects blue…
the afternoon
pea swirl
in my soup…
seen better days
geese honk
uncertain pattern…
unsure of day
gentle spin
of dishwasher…
mild winter even’
shadows cross
on familiar trail…
can’t hide age
twisted back
trickling the pose…
beads of sweat
cold clouds
beyond in squiggle…
orange contrails
bite into
fresh radish…
half moon
not impressed
my wife scowls…
new year’s eve
hot spring steam
sunshine follows…
whisp of yellow
cat purr
not lost in between…
dog snore
a day older
staring into…
full moon
chaffed feet
even the cats lament…
dry winter air
white on red
this day opens…
snow on hill
soft drip
of morning snow…
christmas eve
match making
her graying fur…
my shirt has faded
floating by
warmish december day…
pair of falcons
grass trimming
the trail dust…
our slow walk
fog and chill
relief from it all…
warm yoga mat
weighing in
on my shoulder…
gentle purr
out of shape
so what…
everyone else is
half moon pose
seeking out to…
no one else
bathing me
head to toe…
singing bowls
evening walk
inflated santa…
dripping in rain
gentle tap
head of roof…
rain drops
days later
no attention for
wrinkled pumpkin
gentle sun
this afternoon gentle
snow melt
leaves curled
in gentle clasp…
first snow
evening crisp
suddenly broken…
cigarette smoke
front approaches
unmindful of what is…
sunflower bloom
last drops
of boiling water…
tea darker
shades of orange
even the dog shows…
seasons change
orange on blue
last of leaves…
night song
from owl so distant…
what a hoot!
others drop
this corner fresh with
sunflower blooms
shades of red
the leaves just turn…
one by one
gentle breeze
letting one more go…
aspen leaf
shining bright
among grass gone dry…
periwinkle bloom
shades of red
across the prairie…
pooch has aged
step by step
soaking sun in…
nothing else
cricket songs
in a different time zone…
still the same
snuggle up
this Friday afternoon…
cat purrs
warm road
likely still feeling the heat…
cat gone cold
cricket songs
sound a bit tired…
autumn equinox
in spite of it…
blue sky
afternoon walk
crickets remind
summer’s still here
of swallows…
three twenty six
in my ear…
loud purrs
hopping spark
sunflower to sunflower…
finch this evening
quiet moment
suddenly quieter…
cold nose
cleaning out
wilted leaves…
lone bloom
goodness remains
in leftover teacup…
cool morn’
with shifting season…
dark green
pines against blue…
shade darker
afternoon sun
floating in the shine…
twilight yellow
across the mesa…
grass fading
to our every step…
old dog
prancing over her nose…
berries rich green…
my shirt pale yellow
orange and blue
joy across sky to
the blue moon
late nite
in sleeplessness…
cricket songs
wee hours
the sprinkler’s squish…
cat takes a bath
stroking sun
off cat’s back…
rain has passed
stepping away
from everyday madness…
mountain mist quiet
drawing in
among mountain rocks…
lake in mist
night breeze
on window sill
cat purrs
in darkness
all that remains…
pebbles crunch
on our twilight walk
otherwise silence
kitten’s lick
also suddenly quiet…
rainy evening
friday date
between us
deep silence
shades of yellow
mesa of grass
have gone dry
lone butterfly
end of the day
everyone alone
thistle wilts
summer’s run riot
finally ending
loud bark
of praire dog
first chill
even the songbirds
have gone quiet
yellow splatter
dead on red brick
aging grasshopper
gurgling stream
grasshoppers hover
red over green
evening draw
even the songbirds
are quieter
layers of mud
on concrete below…
skid paw prints
weighed down
by drops of monsoon…
big sigh
from aging dog…
today is over
rain drops
cats hop around…
in silence
pond swells
first monsoon brings…
louder ribbits
smell of grass
summer afternoon brings…
first monsoon
day light
all that is left…
wilted bloom
drawing us in
away from our screens…
night blooming cereus
uphill walk
gurgling water…
cools her feet
jagged peak
moon light through clouds…
shines and un-shines
jagged peaks
flashlight flickers…
on and off
twitching tail
under moonlight…
cat on prowl
spreading joy
at grocery run…
spreading rainbow
cat ears flare
to evening thunder…
**** was that?
changing garbage
at tesla dealership…
man in ol’ plymouth
glisten in
evening sunshine…
cow patties
morning’s fledging
flattened this afternoon…
left in grief
stare on to me…
crescent moon
fledgling can’t…
stop singing
thick of heat
the swallows nests…
now empty
floating by
first here then way there…
monarch gentle
heat bellows
from concrete below…
‘hoppers hop!
catching eye
among field of sunflowers…
sky like
periwinkle blooms…
just reflection
new meaning
found within…
drops of rain
or techno babble…
meow wolf!
twirling season’s
one after another…
cherry pips
upside down
staring at sky…
sense of smallness
scramble game
yellowjacket stings…
now abandoned
gentle sway
to our hiking poles…
arnica blooms
ice cream scoops
no guilt feeling…
in siesta either
swallows’ nests
suddenly empty…
new circle begins
blades of grass
suddenly yellow…
everything turns
afternoon heat
the dog agrees..
rest easy
tiniest bird
unmindful of size…
loud song
on cloudy afternoon…
darting dragonflies
click clack
wall scratch…
of kitty cat
catching eye
on ripening wheat…
lady bug
improper burial?
dropping dead pigeon…
among dog shit
no mail day
by the mailbox…
dead pigeon
chatter this afternoon…
impending storm
holding hands…
first sunflower
on snow field
gray shadow…
gently eastward
my cold ears sense…
cold wind
jagged peaks
among them…
this summer day…
spring green
in own thoughts…
no feelings
lightning strike
between us…
no thunder
other day thistles…
now earthbound
prickly bush
in our plain sight…
its gentle blooms
coolness even makes…
me sigh
chicory blooms
periwinkle among…
grasshoppers’ hop
neighbor’s window
orangeness reflects…
setting sun
old hair
drips cold…
mountain water
lake beckons
summer afternoon…
emerald blue
panting cat
insisting aloud…
“i can fetch”
after storm
counting birds…
gone silent
beads of sweat
gathering a few…
this solistice
drawing me
into purpleness…
thistle bloom
big gulp
in this heat…
mine a beer
crunch loud
my sandals on trail…
freshly washed
prickly bush
holds gentle within…
white blossoms
not lost
in grass so tall…
meadow lark songs
steering to
any source of water…
hot dog
on beetle-kill pine…
walk in woods
burnt trees
a year later…
still burnt
white float
twitching nose to…
lupine blooms
leaving nearby…
squishy paw prints
hope less
at crossroads…
weighed down
by incessant rain…
sedge leaves
days on
hide and no seek…
sun’s play
rushing nowhere
stuck in traffic…
an urge to pee
across my face
sunshine soft gentle…
after rains
from my face
turning away…
borage bloom
gone east
curtain of…
falling rain
build waste
making space…
sunflower starters
morning sun
reeds showcase…
lines in green
on my lil’ finger…
squished bug
more rain
admiring yellow…
of silent finch
sad look
even on pet dogs…
of homeless
heard unseen
among poppy blooms…
end of day
telling aging cat…
“we all grow old”
digging in
edges of dutch chocolate…
slow melt
afternoon walk
dragonflies along…
pencil thin blue
staring up
at swallow nest…
moon half empty
space making
for the small ones…
moving ant outdoor
last orchid
thrilled the next day…
spotting keiki
old dog
halfway on our walk…
“fu*king done”
crawling slow
across trail path…
beautiful weed
prairie pups
wondering perhaps…
“what cool shades”
across west
puffs of cumulus…
craving gelato
another thursday
sense of being neither…
here or there
months later
last of orchids…
let’s go
around empty bowls…
hungry cats
someone is
out of place…
me or this ant
kitchen counter
lathering it clean…
wife returns today
gray day
aging pup’s eyes say…
rest easy
evening cool
even dragonflies…
keep dancing
brushing of
periwinkle streak…
flax across plains
held together
only by time…
dandelion seeds
darker tone
bunnies romp around…
wet grass
old cat
his gentle purrs…
same as yesterday’s
layers of white
all that remains…
after rains
dark rings
bottom of tagine…
onion prints
sudden realize
everywhere is beauty…
in ordinary things
beauty of wild grass…
drops of rain
lonely walk
among praire dog burrows…
pups are here!
mossies beware!
deadheading one by one…
ribbits various
symphony across mesa…
so good this rain
dying slow
on warm concrete…
blades of grass
beads of water shine…
overnite rain
day break
way before it…
swallows chirp
outside window
late evening chatter…
nesting swallows
bound somewhere
across the moon…
jet stream
hours later
wilting remains…
morning glories
mornin’ opens
to new finch songs…
stories to share
after rains
lonely in thick grass…
red poppy
bobbing white
ode to miso soup…
enoki heads
with our every step…
more silence
here not there
across the world…
back now home
morning walk
washing away what’s left…
monsoon rain
headlamps hover
in the forest…
midnite pee
after hike
houseflies insist…
toes smell so good
wafting in
basecamp room…
fresh cologne
almost there
guides insist, yet…
almost not there
end of trek
after lukewarm shower…
smelling the rain
dog threesome
insist on company…
buddha nature
shades of
white has its charm
bee insists
something to tell…
on this postcard
brilliant yellow
across the valley…
size no matter
by lake
goes silent…
cow bells
by lake goes silent… cow bells
morn’ opens
multitude of birds…
to each it’s own song
griffin soars
above the snow…
our spirits as well
cow bell rings
in whisper of the wind…
no contradiction
slow move
across road so narrow…
cow take a leak
bright spot
in this heat and dust…
jacaranda blooms
oleander blooms
silent in pink…
off dusty road
eating sweetness
still persisting…
new mango blooms
in my head
cloud of confusion…
jet lag
cicadas chirp loud
over our heads…
feeling so small
three lil lines
new memories…
of distant things
diggin’ in
season’s first mangoes…
welcome to india
shadow ours
under spell…
of full moon
evening call
breakdance moves…
owlets in sync
rings of rust
taking my time…
old now new
morn’ sun
basil leaves…
inch taller
nuggets of green
pooch finds delight in…
goose poop
rising temp
between us…
tempers rise
mountains shine
shades of white…
life is good
crusty worms
stuck in concrete…
after rains
deep stare
of aging cat. my…
own reflection
wet concrete
gingerly move…
wet earthworm
cat purrs
in between…
rain drops
gray day
from distance admire…
shine on peak
shades of pink
this season’s first…
pea bloom
bare branches
bear a layer of…
afternoon snow
new shoots
peek off fresh snow…
street lamp
floating down gently…
flakes in gold
surrounded by…
cat snores
morning chill
no reason to stop…
the songbirds
weather shift
afternoon brings…
smell of cowshit
orchids wilt
next pot of shamrocks…
fresh blooms
cardboard box
jumping in and out…
hello kitties!
on our walk
among finch songs…
headless bird
snow dust on
distant conifers…
toads croak nearby
upset tummy
old dog struggles in…
gentle rain
saying thanks!
sorting through…
salad greens
cool breeze
in spite of it…
an argument
wafting fresh
across busy crossroad…
mowed grass
evening hike
edges of the peak…
streaks of gold
cold concrete
walking the dog…
ducks waddle
along shoreline…
anglers mid-water!
tepid sip
of what is left…
morning’s matcha
halfway stall
on sun-filled trail…
old dog says enough!
oat milk
clouding my matcha…
april morn’
afternoon silence
breaking it gently…
cat’s snore
gentle close
leaves of shamrock…
it was a good day
ever so often
meadow lark sings…
spring. here. now.
edges in white
mountain peaks show…
spring is here
shades of white
and nothing else…
drive this morn’
cozy comfy
cat and i stare into…
blowing snow
on car radio…
sky so gentle
prairie dogs
on their hinds scream…
we’re passing by
afternoon sun
even the dog prefers…
a siesta
season’s new
grasshoppers share…
gentle chirps
spring sun
not foolin’…
this april first
after windstorm
silently appreciating…
the orange west
tea cup swirl
matcha decides…
float or sink?
radish sprouts
wafting in my mouth…
a sweet burn
reeds of grass
crackle over…
blowing wind
flapping orange
on giant blue…
recycling has been picked!
cat litter
setting it afresh…
hazy morn’
bare skin
tingles in morn’ air…
ankle socks
green tea
uncurling leaves…
spring morning
red-tail over
mountain range…
silver lining
fingers numb
sudden sense…
joy of life
our every step
the praire dogs…
morn’ walk
the park empty…
spring snow
gentle scent
of orchids bedside…
time to sleep
fitting in
between bed and box…
fat cat
aura in mist
of orange and blue…
trash day
brown bubbles
brim over the edges…
fresh pour over
not in a hurry
pepper seed sprouts…
two leaves
curling under linens…
to spring cold
evening fog
church lights…
day of joy
day of darkness…
another day
nuzzling me
away from my screen…
gentle purrs
spring evening
nuzzling my face…
gentle purrs
gray morning
inviting me in…
geese in flight
safe from wind
need my tending…
tender leaves
barren elm
sharing this afternoon…
whispering wind
along highway
geese in patience…
await newborns
sinking in
to my sadness…
moonless night
finding its way
towards sun…
pea shoots
welcoming spring
bare tree reveals…
welcoming sun
on dog walk…
song birds
in spite
of afternoon chill…
tomato starters
in spite
of afternoon chill…
tomato starters
here! now!
arrives in between…
mindless meetings
stripping away
layers of darkness…
sun filled day
fresh eggplant
shriveled roast over…
open fire
catching light
on hiking trail…
floating cobweb
drowning out
distant rumble…
purr so close
comes today…
evening chill
cat snuggles
on dreary morn’…
warm purr
tender leaves
easing into pot…
tomato starters
toes curl
this full moon…
pooch ahead
dead lawn
doggie angel leaves…
only dust
puffed coat
edges reflect…
full moon
ash leaves
rustle crisp…
full moon
bare trees
barely shiver to…
setting sun
days later
dead mouse on the road…
frigid fingers
at intersection…
flattened mouse
ride up
into mountains…
lichen yellow
things of past…
24 hours later
sun shine
on cold afternoon…
not a peep
cat prowl…
distant cry
over wind whisper…
unseen crow
sink into
yesterday’s powder…
pine cone
fresh snow
only sound…
in mountain sun…
pine scent
fresh snow
bunny paw prints…
closing face
shamrock blossoms…
done for the day
nuggets of joy
unmindful of source…
goose poop
white lace
eyes follow…
gentle contour
fingers clasp
prayers within for…
dead gnat
missing out…
lost files
soft belly
two months later…
webbed prints
gently fade with…
geese shit
boiling over…
here in
cold walls
air fills
after her bite…
citrus red
scratching over
kitten’s claws…
still feel real
stare elsewhere
at teahouse…
cake arrives
setting sun
of argument
haikus, now
on page 68…
dead gnat
sorrowful songs bring…
inner joy
mountains white
beckon us…see
here not there
blowing air
into kitty’s belly…
moon reflects
her paws
crunch snow…now
colorado red
rice batter
frothing over…
‘morrow’s breakfast
kitten play
under linen throw…
my toes swollen
white flutters
across blue sky…
winter ‘scapes
silent sorries
spraying them dead…
one by one
angry now
cat also…
a swaddle
break from read
she makes time…
plucking hairs
under cover
my toes twiddle…
kitty attack
sun rays
follow us along
one by one
making space
and then some more…
“no rush” indeed
pipes crackle
hearts bend quiet…
winter freeze
moments of quiet
then it spills over…
finding warmth…
buds on way
numbness near
my every sense…
light gentle
across the still room…
shades of white
in my mind’s eye…
buds tremble
we saunter the ‘hood…
twilight hour
sunday morn’
togetherness over our…
porridge meal
dark silence
a sense of hope…
wind chime
in the new
hope remains…
fresh snow
of change…
day later
looking elusive…
moment of joy
another morning
snow flakes aplenty…
where is joy?
snow drops
loving all of it…
yet again
lil’ hustle
the wind blends into…
tiny meows
moments lost
find something anew…
little cat
sunshine again
something refreshing…
after cold
group split
wild geese share in…
heart beat
littlness in palm…
immense joy
ears curl
to this new cold…
change happens
night sky
drawing us in…
snow flakes
gentle purrs
moments of evening…
show clogged nose
gentle stroke
aging dog shows…
her snores
finding big
among all things small…
joyious moments
change of season
changing emotions…
all things change
bones crackle to beat…
bossa nova
pale orange
not afraid to hide…
pale blue sky
old cat
his walk across room…
floppy nails
evening chill
even pooch prefers…
quick pee
distance in shimmer…
cuty lights
ever so often we need…
bit of it
purple sky
rising moon showing…
anything possible
evening clangs
in rhythmic emotion…
some things remain
wilted bloom
on a snowy night…
sense of being
moments later
mountains say it plain…
sangre de cristo
atop hill
shadows of pinon hide…
silver urn
bare roads
lifting our spirits…
pale white
layered in darkness…
night light
afternoon walk
amidst sun and snow…
passing time
laughing loud
two floors above…
she scoffs
full throat
raven shares moment…
of blue skies
our shadows
across mountain snow…
join and leave
morning snow
even the dog knows…
take it easy
contours in
shades of purple…
fresh cabbage
tiny dots
finger by finger…
snow flakes
having none of it…
we rush home
morning sun
rows of grass blooms…
speckles of gold
day later
painful memories…
chinese massage
friday sun
orange halo fills…
her blur eyes
out there
fill my blurry eyes…
moonlight blue
eyes of daze
she seems elsewhere…
old doggie blues
seeing us
her tail says it on…
welcome home
crisp morn’
leaves on the road…
roll crisper
another batch
mix of veggies spell…
new soup
mix veggies
pressure cooker vents…
fresh soup
sunday walk
the dog suddenly…
much older
conifer top
anger or bits of it…
loud raven
sun soak
the dog too loves…
bits of it
white car
suddenly whiter…
first snow
lone crow
in all this space…
south bound
day of blue
shifting ever so slowly…
day of blue
afternoon walk
even the dog feels…
coming chill
evening step
out for a dog pee…
wet footprints
in and out
mind shifts to count of…
fat purrs
after walk
roll around to see…
snoozing cats
thursday rolls
around me insists…
a fat cat
lean cat takes his time…
finding me
pale petals
in stoic silence…
new blooms
gentle scratch
of her soft belly…
gentle lift
afternoon smog
mountains all now in…
shades of blue
afternoon sun
rushing on nowhere…
end of season
wrinkling yellows…
hanging on
caught there
between the flatirons…
setting sun
red contrail
across evening sky…
west bound plane
black then brown
caterpillar crosses…
morning walk
gentle snore
even old dog needs…
bit of that
orange west
i look east to see…
orange moon
day of haze
i look for some hope…
here or there
sitar strum
darkness unseen now…
simply real
bits pieces
reality of it all…
out alone
ears cold
to the sense of…
tundra hike
pooch and me all over…
in the rain
that was then
circling overhead…
dark clouds
chasing rain
we find ourselves now…
just anew
tracing curve
clouds wipe away clean…
rainbow ends
om moments
joining me in between…
soft purrs
drops of rain
here, there in between…
orange trim
soaking it all in…
clouds and more
hollow space
on dog bed even cats…
now elsewhere
shimmering lights
across lake pristine…
yet things dark
dim light
reflected in it…
gentle snores
tracing steps
along beaten path…
to no avail
soft pats
the back of her head…
rain drops
lacing dry
these empty nests…
sky lark poop
lone cricket
its nightly singing…
to no avail
season end
even grasshoppers…
see own end
evening sun
soon prevail
afternoon rain
even cats sit around…
night settles
wishing on no one…
sorrowful day
evening chill
cricket songs now gone…
bit muted
tibetan bells
ringing around me…
kitty cat snooze
afternoon sun
circling with dog…
poop in hand
full moon
wife now elsewhere lone…
cereus bloom
desert blooms
fragrance delights our…
living room
scornful look
under almost full moon…
things do change
anger evolves
with every moment…
nothing remains
orange glow
westward shimmers…
all anew
hot day
nice excuse for sore loser…
at scrabble
floating down
clear creek gentle…
speckles of gold
tofu bits
biting into them…
cricket songs
evening breeze
crinkle of plastic…
so easy
tracing waves
all that is left now…
more waves
creamee cup
slurping it all in…
vermont vibe
rain storm
across the gray lake…
bit more gray
counting breathe
on early morn ride…
chill on chill
afternoon nap
warmth of bodies…
fills the air
warmth circles
our tired bodies…
twilight hour
same circle
counter clockwise…
we rejoice
rain drops
sprinkle my bare feet…
night earthing
gentle leap over
grasshoppers prance simply to…
say hello goodbye
alone in bedroom
many a days later a…
whilted sunflower
unfurling itself
across august afternoon…
something in the air
her gentle brush
exploding across room…
citronella scent
soft echo
crickets chirp to…
slow move
this afternoon…
summer air
sneaking up
summer afternoon…
our dog has aged
holding together…
this evening sun
after rain
bunnies’ hair…
full of sheen
shades of purple
across sky…
so be it
quiet afternoon
blare of radio…
nothing else
staring back
evening mirror hides…
shadow of self
purple orchids
still blooming…
we still argue
sunday afternoon
repotting orchid plants…
best thing to do
snow drift
even the dog…
prefers the easy
another kvetch
to very end…
never seen
falcon stare
at traffic stop…
bored with humans
finding simple in…
staring the sun
pale snow
standing out…
a lost feather
chasing wings
my mind follows…
in full ease
feeling at home
yet not at home…
crazy kitties
snow evrywhere
in spite of it…
fumes smolder
new year
spirits ride…
new wave
snow flakes
bringing it on…
all things new
head in a bun
like everything else…
good ol’ days.
chill wills
fingers soak in…
evening cold
bit by bit
my anger leaves me…
out of place
fingers numb
to evening cold…
caressing my head bump
distant roads
we remain here…
in agony
saturday sun
even snow melts…
dirt remains
days later
still remain
noise and candor
finding both…
separate ways
step by step
find myself…
new tribe
lost and found
on hotel floor…
fake eyelashes
leaves swirl
my mind churns…
november walk
in shadows of peaks…
climate has changed
bit by bit
a sense of loss…
my old self
breaking point
besides myself…
no joy remains
gray sky
rows of geese…
tremble southward
their night song…
so clear
no really!
another argue…
fire and fire
shifting light
even sunflowers…
rest easy
days later
moon across city…
half sleep
friday evening
comparing notes…
wrong then more wrong
back to grind
at least sun shine…
a plenty
same moon
in the morning…
still full
orange glow
leading the way…
harvest moon
mountain air
soaking it in…
and the sun
drawing us in…
rising moon
silent follows
unmindful of…
cat snore
morning chill
waking me to…
thoughts of coffee
rabbit gone
all that remains…
memories of proximity
gentle breeze
waking me up…
seasons change
day later
trace of mountain…
in morning sun
evening fades
season fades…
love does fade
evening hike
my memory fades…
these old trails
gentle soar
my eyes cross…
a bird and a plane
time spend
connecting to all…
old and new
afternoon drive
rush hour traffic…
even this will pass
yellow blooms
unmindful of…
prickly neighbors
orange hue
with every step…
across western sky
sarod rhythms
keeping pace…
cricket song
hard bop
cat wags…
perhaps in glee
lost souls
chasing shadows…
along the ridge
no end to it…
deer poop?
morning walk
even pooch takes easy…
in crisp air
gentle cat
a little more gentler…
he sleeps
shades of orange
shades of blue…
no shades remain
odd day
end of it all…
orange glow
sunflowers fade
my love is back…
autumn in the air
legs exposed
cat under covers…
“I need my sleep!”
laying waste
among blooming sunflowers…
dead grasshoppers
evening walk
my every step…
grasshoppers plop!
snow flakes
in between…
a cat meows
evening ragas
the dog too…
likes it simple
february evening
among all things…
a dog snore
morning pee
eastern sky opens…
shades of red
full moon
cat bath reveals…
silver tongue
full moon
my gazes shift to…
soaring plane instead
orange rush
cloud acknowledges…
setting sun
day after
snow swept lawns…
no footprints
leaving prints
mine atop others…
january snow
night time
cat sense into…
another purr
evening calm
gentle reminder…
this will also pass
blue clouds
another moment…
counting blessings
left in distance…
by streetlights
night chills
even cricket songs…
gone shrill
windows murmur
my ears follow…
doggie’s breathe
of street light…
dark bunny
i see through…
fresh snowflakes
sunday morn’
rummage through…
old things
clouds pattern
we find within…
bob ross brush strokes
water mist
leaving a trace…
pure nothingness
a turn later
pooch makes time…
to pee
my mind…
another place
these clicks…
following it up…
more silence
after snow
creating our own…
irregular patterns
light snow
our stroll as…
foot prints
friday evening
a day later…
change year
starts today…
bigots out please!
a moment later…
buzz kill
taking a moment
clouds realize…
painterly dreams
prince in her ears…
i meditate
gentle move
afternoon light…
slipping away
new year
in all its glory…
another year
end of another
moving forward…
into the unknown
my body finds…
just another Sunday
maroon fades
gerbera going…
as this day
no offense. saturn…
lined with jupiter
purple clouds
their fast move…
reveals quiet orange
beaver moon
almost there…
a bead of sweat
moon rise
swift swap…
broken promises
moment of stillness
a sense of humility…
snow is here
fires now
in deep maroon…
today it did snow
evening walk
tricking stream flickers…
full of orangeness
cracked soil
Earth too…
stands it no more
morning sun
a bead of sweet…
another zoom call
dog walk
in afternoon gray…
even she has aged
evening approaches
kitten decides…
nap on my lap
slow wave
of music…
night ride
this evening walk…
suddenly cooler
orange trace
along purple clouds…
there goes my day
evening follows
and so does the cat…
orange moves
i delight in…
watering tomatoes
making space
all things considered…
life persists
grey sense
beyond it all…
white ‘shroom clouds
new notes
and new connections…
half moon
my meanders…
to other side
gypsy grunge
i soak it all…
skin deep
shade of itself
gerbera bloom fades…
into trash
wilting slow
cut flowers…
we all do fade
evening reveals
with passing of time…
sun rays
black birds
there tweets…
against blue sky
leaves shimmer
to morning breeze…
another saturday
beads of gold
all that remains…
after the rain
this evening…
COVID-19 hair!
monday morn’
suddenly we sense…
wicked nothingess
tibetan bells
gentle reminder…this day is
also at its end
wilted morning glory
season’s first…
how days just flew by
vegetarian duh!
little does he know…
spam is not just emails
master ’ku writer
amongst us all…
has beginner’s mind
setting sun
mind dreams up…
new vistas
all these concepts
working through things…
pain in the neck
a day later
all mixed up…
chai and my ideas
then there are ’ku-ers…
cryptic chatterers
then there are ‘ku-ers…
cryptic chatterers
boiling over
my exitement on ideas…
all too clear!
silence here
so eerie…
no wicked haikus?
mulling over
wicked problems…
let’s end Anthropocene!
last nite’s rain
my ears still ring…
loud and clear
coyotes stop
there 9pm howl…
rain is here
thunder rumbled
towards curfew-ed city…
crickets are now back
evening breeze
reveals cricket songs…
cicadas soon?
COVID-19 everywhere
fortunately for once…
sky so clear
death elsewhere
my mind stuck between…
hopeless and hope
a moment of meditation…
darkness is all red
a quick sketch…
across evening sky
days later
left on concrete slabs…
earthworm imprints
shades of purple
sunshine brings…
radish microgreens
concrete slabs
this afternoon reveals…
distant peaks
unmindful of my stare…
eternal yellow
hour later
feeling settles in…
she is gone
morning fog
sun dissolves…
this nothingness
delicateness decides…
on blade of grass
thunder moves
west word opens…
shades of orange
afternoon walk
in the shadows…
trimming the purple
rays shoot skywards…
sunset rhythm
sip of gin
we while away…
distant memories
blue glow
beyond the fog…
flower moon
flower moon
no sigh of it…
full moon
osprey pair
our eyes circle…
their every move
playing hide and seek…
with sunshine
gather around
my dog and i…
chase bunnies
tomatoes seeds
gathering one by one…
for next season
friday evening
another week passes…
in quarantine ease
gray blue
mind meshes with sky…
gray blue
digging in
soil dark and deep…
cress sprouts
biting into it…
something real
day later
my nails reveal…
peppered soil
lame meow
old cat blurts…
feed me!
orange glow
all things considered
her gentle breathe
now and then outside…
wind bellows
orange trim
flatirons beckon…
quiet cue
frog calls
with our steps…
sudden silence
bird chirp
a bit more sweet…
covid-19 blues
clouds this evening
we stare as they merge…
red to blue
gentle afternoon
we sip our wine…
afternoon cold
clipping away…
burnt leaves
social distancing
drawing me in…
jackson’s hap mountains
anger and angst
these are…
corona days!
swing of day
between dog walks…
zoom calls
another twang
akotet fills…
this night
joy of it
cat sharpens…
his nails
silver hairs
on cacti…
connecting in
elsewhere folks…
social distancing
cement cracks
shadows reveal…
smoother curves
connecting back
to old friend…
death and shame
the cat and i regale…
coyotes’ howl
sense of joy
nothing else…
doggie ear rub
afternoon walk
days of isolation…
just bliss
evening walk
dusting of snow…
or is it rain
lights shimmer
red, purple and green…
at dentist
sun shines
up the hill…
moon is shy
silent space
between reveals…
hushed delight
soaking in
glowing light…
worm moon
but thinner air
i find calm in…
clouds going orange
now all mine
actually nothing…
but thinner air
itty-bitty socks
her anklets…
now all mine
a different sunshine
searching for it…
on foggy coast
on foggy coast
crunching pebbles…
itty-bitty socks
a different scat
between clouds and sea…
a different sunshine
carnatic fusion
flowing between beats…
a different scat
bliss or blue
in her company…
carnatic fusion
we all made
it is what it is…
bliss or blue
climate change?
what a mess…
we all made
year opens to…
climate change?
sipping coffee
slopped edges…
separate the sky
morning fog
window shades down…
mountain not so clear
fleeting sounds in…
morning fog
canadian geese
their maths…
need a beer
float in gray sky…
canadian geese
fresh air
saturday afternoon…
need a beer
to music
another breath…
fresh air
ears in step…
to music
wind blows
even the mailbox…
full moon
anchored in sky…
wind blows
shades of blue
missing in between…
full moon
orange mount
a day later…
shades of blue
their luminosity
orange bellows over…
orange mount
silver needles
sparkle below…
their luminosity
nicer that way
snow melt reveals…
silver needles
warmer floor
sunshine is…
nicer that way
shows his age.
the cat prefers…
warmer floor
on the wilt
random texts…
shows his age
4:30 this morning
birthday roses…
on the wilt
have come a long way
full moon wakes me up…
4:30 this morning
orange trace
these yellow roses…
have come a long way
another evening
gray clouds in…
orange trace
angry daze
rest easy…
another evening
drink just one
reminder to self…
angry daze
lonely days
she does remind me…
drink just one
sharing risotto
we reflect on…
lonely days
something blue
surrounding ourselves…
sharing risotto
count crickets
this night fades into…
something blue
rooster crackles
i find time to…
count crickets
wolves howl
closer to us…
rooster crackles
sunk into my seat
turquoise blue…
wolves howl
another day
between quiet and buzz…
visit to mall
lost in haze
mind and feelings…
another day
october moon
in flight…
lost in haze
into morning air
i spy…
october moon
of early fall
blowing the gnat…
into morning air
curled leaves
cottonwood revives sense…
of early fall
between my finger tips
admiring all things different…
curled leaves
wingtip hops
crushing last of fall…
between my finger tips
gentle caress
fence post to tree limb…
wingtip hops
october sun
waiting for it…
gentle caress
chances are
rattles will shake…
october sun
water drops
murakami said it best…
chances are
on the little ones
reflecting much more…
water drops
smelly toes
never smell…
on the little ones
new socks
waaaay to hide…
smelly toes
walking in rain
shoes discolored…
new socks
dry memories
of lost cats…
walking in rain
monté alban
circles of leaves blow…
dry memories
turkey vulture
seen before…
monté alban
shadow drifts
over her tired face…
turkey vulture
evening cool
even debate…
has no heat
picking in
leaves of mint…
gentle and serene
moments later…
minty hands
orange clouds
now left with…
broken rain
sixth death anniversary
the moon today…
shining through
settling fog…
full moon
afternoon dream…
of broken clouds
black beetle
we admire distance of…
purple rain
evening rain
finding joy…
warm pho
afternoon rain
minutes later…
my soiled fingers
ozone smell
landing again…
mile higher
taking stance
then again…
what else?
shades of orange
bellowing cloud…
oh! so strange
summer hop
orange to red petals…
over mountains
reminder to self…
dust to dust
in and out
with every moment…
bellowing clouds
evening hour
blossoms now…
deeper shade of purple
days later
dead cat…
in peace?
finger tip
soaking sun…
black spider
welcoming me
to gray skies…
cooing dove
days later
slow vanish of…
dead cat remains
weekday commute
familar path…
now. dead cats
week starts
highway full of…
dead cats
keeping eye
moment later…
turkey hustle
eyeing me
distant self…
hawk eyes
behind mountains…
nothing else
light rail
in her eyes…
something amiss
steeple rise
beyond window…
couple arguing
finding peace
among new friends…
and something else
a moment
then later…
another moment
seaside grass
blowing along spit…
silver streaks
erasing it
my body eases…
new mood
friday afternoon
we stumble onwards…
car pool
soaking in
sky filled…
purple blue
evening settles
leaving me behind…
shades of blue
golden hue
wyoming evening…
at home
silent moments
our minds filled with…
noisy thoughts
shades of yellow
plane window full of…
dry breeze
all that’s left…
yet again…
silly me
other way look
perched on lamp post…
not talking!
bees hum
my thoughts instead…
lost in translation
its darkness reveals…
new light
afternoon breeze
even birds…
fly sidewards
broken back
evening walk reveals…
dead snails
lone hawk
eyeing it all…
traffic jam
counting them
out for a walk…
snails in rain
tik tok
chinese jargon…
shifting my chi
gentle breeze
blowing in…
traffic madness
light and dark
my jacket spotted…
rain drops
afternoon walk
in the chill…
rest is easy
making it…
steps follow
finding myself…
between raindrops
a fool
not so much…
first of april
lone crow
way above…
traffic jam
evening sunlight…
soaking both
soaking it in…
just being
in it all…
my ears say…
in life
rain drops
after midnight…
hollow feeling
in this darkness
somewhat blue
and then…
nothing else
back again
same place…
same feeling
pitter patter
my warm jacket…
rain drops
evening warmth
sitting closer…
fat cat
with my every step…
ducks, ducks, ducks
spring roll
biting into it…
time does change
sun and shade
moving in rhythm…
license plate
sun shine
in company…
rising water
moving me
while here…
gentle music
small things
small joys
slow drift
in darkness…
another moment
even cats…
do that
afternoon walk
round the block…
fresh rain
old redwoods
in glory…
covered green
makes sense
her art of…
thick paint
spray of shimmer
cleaning the road…
morning rain
evening spin
darkness reveals…
sparkles of rain
cross state
a drive later…
more rain
rain drops
nothing to hide…
just rain
across water…
tea leaves
nothing to fortell…
just eat
whipers slide
rain remains between…
she and i
friday afternoon
my car soaks in…
winter rain
shades of blue
missing her…
sliver moon
green contour
all that remains…
after the frost
snow capped
evening drive…
drawing me in
green contours
my eyes follow…
this monday morn
green bush
holding within…
drops of rain
losing shape
poppies galore in…
afternoon rain
across valley
mist reveals…
green shadows
afternoon walk
even the ducks…
out for a walk
brown shoes
flacking them…
morning frost
ducks wade
gentle water…
even gentler
breaking bread
among colleagues…
this one softer
airport lights
settling fog
delight in…
tiny crumbs
in sprints…
heat runs
evening sun
drawing away…
another day
by food truck…
sorry! no falafels
light spreads
across seats…
high up
pigeon seeks…
doggie breathe…
full of warmth
burning daylight
complain again…
you know who?
wee hours
mind spins up…
something new
rain gurgles
finding myself…
alone again
geese move
new rhythm…
soaked almonds
my mouth delights…
to every crunch
fresh moss
finding beauty…
green things
buckets and buckets
this and that…
music draws us in
city lights
wiping them away…
rain drops
stuffed cotton
my eyes spot…
things don’t change
no leaves on tree
my eyes meander…
western sky
small note.
my mind meanders to…
infuser gurgles
monday opens
ailence and…
nothing else
rain drops
losing count
one by one…
morn’ commute
smog reveals…
endless beauty
and then there…
take off!
a lil’ dusting
we ride again in…
quiet companionship
acorn squash
a fresh approach…
year’s first meal
rain drops
on raindrops…
nite opens
traffic jam
my mind meanders…
among mountains
clouds surround
these high planes…
sunday sunshine
we find things…
here and there
dusting insect
as summer fades…
counting clouds
one too many…
north bound
pounding ginger
this day opens…
another day
picking for her
along dirt road…
yellow blossoms
bundle of peace
sprawled out…
fat cat
sheen of rocks
plane window shows…
other side
dog nap
her every breathe…
my eyes soften
gentle calm
surrounding us…
aspen grove
snuggling up
fat cat reveals…
micro greens
biting into…
mountain clouds
my mind wanders…
in their puffiness
old and new…
just the same
cat’s tail
morning chants bring…
another twitch
poke marked
morning glory leaf…
colors upon colors
wednesday morn
my body seeks…
weekend calm
letting go
as day goes…
morning glories
day shows me…
new morning glories
tofu curry
my mouth waters…
so does pooch
weekend drill
seeking the mountains…
nothing else
spread of delight…
another sip of wine
making time
to admire and sense…
beautiful people
showing the way
i twist and guide…
morning glories
following bee
my fingers pluck…
russian sage
in the air
and the sun…
roasting coffee beans
sunday morn
taking its time…
sun shines
morning chants
gentleness of Saturday…
her soft snores
keeping count
as this friday goes…
morning glories
lavender blossoms
dramatic contract…
golden leaves
caught in traffic
sometimes we all go…
clouds bellow
as things go…
going elsewhere
morning glories
a day later…
all in bloom
rain drops
tomato plants…
a sign of relief
july sun
even the homeless…
feel better
among friday crowd…
everything easy
just chroma
darting on our path…
blue dragonflies
tracing blue
my eyes sense…
blue columbine
layers of hue
drawing me in…
montana clouds
catching eye
hearts of green and yellow…
summer is here
heart shaped
leaf shows…
big hole
red eye
welcoming me…
yellow moon
not mine
shattered peace…
dog yelp
monday morn’
find myself…
hardly wiser
cool breeze
besides this heat…
everything is okay
old friend
years later…
friday heat
scorching me…
and everything else
jacket feels…
out of place
over peaks
stuffing it in…
hustle of day
not here…
among cats and dogs
rain showers
seeking it…
shiny self
father’s day
gifts and hugs…
something else
saturday evening
following the gray…
summer showers
music and air…
summer days
another sip
beer taste…
full of summer
among strangers
same feel…
sip once more
herbs local…
strange amoro
gentle air
waiting this summer…
no rain
river run
in cascade…
green broth
90 plus
even tomato plants…
feel the heat
mountain sun
a gentle smile…
upon us never the same
silver lining
this shine reveals…
dead gecko
morning cool
even birds…
feel the chill
red and yellow
evening traffic…
nothing else
blue black
nite welcomes…
gentle stillness
setting sun
beyond the hill…
something else
rounds of it…
nothing to do
depth reveals…
something else
catching sun
my eye as well…
eucalyptus blossoms
blue sprinkled…
cottonwood flakes
I-70 traffic
welcoming this commute…
cottonwood flakes
morning opens to…
dog snore
sheet lightning
city energy
i bump into…
metal seat
iris blooms
in spite of me…
purple skies
catching thermal
another bird flies…
over traffic hum
peak beckons
drawing me in…
same emotion
waking up to…
cat murmurs
finding time
for small things…
another walk
multiple times…
total soak
basil leaves
admiring again…
small things
week opens
all renewed…
dog snout
blue sky
i spend time…
counting birds
snow flakes
their gentle moves…
so real
in rolled balls…
just dog hair
thursday afternoon
filling my senses…
dog snout
evening silence
mind meanders to…
rescued dog
big thump
afternoon brings…
relentless wind
yet again
monday brings…
amazing light
oud maestro
evening descends into…
another trance
purple sky
left within…
nothing blue
making space
pooch nuzzles into…
peaceful pose
something else
my mind draws to…
bird chatter
a smile later
that feeling…
dog snore
only thing to notice…
sun and snow
this day opens to…
hide and seek
wind swept
mountains reveal…
impending storm
afternoon brings…
red blossoms
crunching over
neighbor’s lawn…
april snow
soaring above
patches of B&W…
golden eagle
moment later
i find something…
setting sun
morning chants
i find within…
midnite air
filling my ears…
wind chimes
april day
we seek out…
snow and sun
knees know
no such thing…
just pain
purple blossom
in their sheen…
afternoon sun
their colors reveal…
some sorrow
seeking silence
i find within…
new noises
monotone drive
breaking it…
gentle meow
corner of eye
street lights catch…
flimsy flakes
push and pull
aches follow…
chinese massage
teens chatter
friday nite…
st. patty tattoos
lunch time
city rain
even homeless have…
something to say
morning calm
gently shattered…
rain drops
one by one
my espresso swallows…
sugar crystals
afternoon silence
sudden rustle of…
grocery bags
broken morning
just like it seems…
everything else
purple leaves
their cheer…
tracing contour
my mind follows…
day on
things evolve…
nothing else
silent evening
among nothing else…
silent evening
warmth filters
through my skin…
toledo flu does me in
day progress
things just go…
round and round
morning drone
sense of being…
mountains beckon
we rest up…
new faces
a sense of…
evening rays
trimming the sun…
dried leaves
a day later
as things go…
no meaning
good sign
carrying out trash…
first lady bug
almost there
in the air…
blue moon
morning sun
in the air…
coffee roast
gentle red
even the sky…
has gone soft
snow flakes
things within
new delicacies
evening welcomes…
new people
sense of relief
nothing else…
blue sky beckons
some distance
a bit shy…
doting pigeons
commuters chatter
my ears fill up…
just music
concrete floor
as nite settles…
feet sense
nuzzled in
as nite defines…
just silence
purple evening
keeping company…
blue moon
new year’s eve
solace in…
things quiet
front yard
sprightly lavender…
in suddenly wilt
taking moment
on daily walk…
sun in snow
lone tree
on mountain top…
morning walk
snowy neighborhood welcomes…
coffee roast
morning crackles
icicles line up…
bedroom windows
pigeon remains…
busy puddle
rolling pigeon…
traffic unkind
night noise
on the train…
another grind
afternoon chills
even the sun does…
nothing to me
nite quiet
that remains…
earth’s lament
cacophony descents
canadian geese circle into…
smooth landing
afternoon sun
among hipsters…
passion fruit macaron
diving in
nite later…
pizza again
train drone
my senses fill with…
morning sun
my eyes feel…
gentle sparkle
industrial line…
morning moon
eyes warm
breathe reveals…
something stuffed
sushi time
we celebrate…
new friends
out of nothingness…
black snow
night quiet
my body seeks…
winter heat
orange hues
all that is left…
rain drops
not any of it…
just my head
layers of orange
in silence…
new inspiration
same trail
years later…
another place
yellow leaves
their bare trails…
ghostly evening
time ticking
this day…
another day
bald eagles
in their circle…
shifting signs
birthday celeb
one more day…
of togetherness
ears sing
lullabies hold in…
my own mind
gray hills
inviting me in…
gray skies
fog holds
as mind insists…
all things clear
cleaning up
everything dark…
morning rain
bear creek
dunking in…
elusive leaf
swimming pool
bare look…
seasons do change
mornin’ walk
another ignore…
night walk
in silence…
everything loud
drifting up…
night glow
finding solace…
nothing new
silence welcomes…
all things clear
hush evening
ointment rub…
arthritic ways
drive alone
twilight reveals…
nothing else
moment later
in silence…
distant hiss
jazz tunes
another evening…
distant pain
sense something…
also within
train hum
my mind settles…
to this. here.
my faded jeans…
dog hair
evening cool
drawn in to…
new mysteries
sunday morning
making rounds…
things considered
snuggle in
to old wall…
morning glories
inching in…
distant traffic
drawing me in…
silent hiss
warm day
lost dog
shiny deep
his smiles reveal…
metal teeth
monday cool
hours later…
somewhere new
misty evening…
old purrs
rain drops
in tenderness…
why this anger
following me
round and round…
cat walk
eagle lands
a sense of being…
dust in the wind
admiring in light…
city scape
distant view
circling the city…
fall air
dwarfed in
building abound…
i seek space
counting butterlies
desire to leave…
things unchanged
in flutter…
a cat squint
drifting in
to evening hours…
smell of rain
hours later
find myself…
another time zone
drift on
then momentary lapse…
it happens
sinking in
my teeth relish…
mochi delight
distant plane
in its shudder…
traffic mess
through it all…
light rail
full moon
in its halo…
quiet walk
smokey evening
saying it all…
yellow moon
hazy afternoon
we make time…
gin and tonic
weekend drive
across high plains…
everything so real
finding joy
in small things…
homeless charm
distant hiss
even nite sound…
so clear
circling in
pieces of tofu…
another day
day later
another reason…
smiling back
in spite of my squints…
solar eclipse
oven heat
setting in motion…
family time
lazy move
hours later…
another groove
friday walk
lamps quiver…
memoir for lan hai
doozy feel
evening ride…
nowhere home
joy of orange
suddenly on walk…
dead bird
breezing by
along skyline…
ship port
night walk
darkness paces…
approaching cold
clouds bellow
ridgeline reveals…
changing times
morning jaunt
beyond the tracks…
traffic whistles
hush evening
settling in…
shift in season
party goes
things change…
so does life
spice flavors…
our quiet meal
dust settles
as things go…
afternoon heat
cracking bread…
sensory overload
hot day
caged parrot…
another dip
trail head
all we get…
afternoon rain
iphone break
away from it all…
friday meditation
strange light
as sun tilts…
evening walk
cats and dog
under spinning fan…
afternoon nap
even cats…
afternoon sun
in this traffic…
a/c so real
shimmering green
in summer light…
aspen leaves
neighbors a/c
in spite of this buzz…
evening rain
laundry roll
rolling with nite…
classical music
flapping paper
a sense of relief…
summer days
summer air
and as things go…
sense of bitterness
among all things…
panting dogs
beer sip
my mouth welcomes…
this bitterness
leaving behind
in this snowfield…
devil’s stairs
dog walk
following our path…
gentle breeze
digging in
minutes later…
all gone
no sweat
my knees roll…
static bike
platter nite
welcoming the guests…
setting sun
cold toes
this gushing stream…
fading memories
vegan delight
in afternoon heat…
some days are like that
train ride
rush of things…
city scape
in the chaos…
dog pants
streets warm
with every step…
sun sizzles
ever so often…
clouds bare
another exercise…
failing the cactus
hours late
catching up with…
left coast air
afternoon walk
as clouds bellow…
another friday
needle pinches
my right arm…
air not blood
first marigold
in this oddity…
clumsy grace
clouds bellow
orange to white…
nothing else
evening walk
with river flow…
setting sun
walking on
something beckons…
warm concrete
east coast
hours later…
new friends
we watch
slow glow…
friday nite
things ease
as things go…
things change
day later
around me…
in darkness…
night settles
filling it all…
classical music
moment later
finding within…
something else
evening draws
people in…
sinking in
along the night…
cat nap
snow covered
in the haze…
distant mountains
another thought…
basil leaves
opening me…
swift move
among bikes…
new found anger
afternoon fill
pots with fresh seeds…
rain drops
in darkness
rumbling along…
midnite rain
sunday afternoon
sunshine reveals…
budding leaves
from far places…
so near
digging in
everyone does…
malaysian platter
gentle rain
dawn breaks to…
dog snore
concrete yard
drops define…
evening delight
repot moment
a minute later…
welcome rain
may sun
even policeman…
takes a nap
soft contours
then jagged peaks…
home bound
circling in
walking along…
turkey vultures
green hills
in distant…
sky blue
after days…
back to normal
two days later
still persists…
them blues
day slow
i forget it all…
this very moment
tender leaves
smashed to nothing…
passing hail
dodging drops
one too many…
afternoon rain
striking yellow
minute later…
wing so blue
a moment later
i settle in to…
my chinese meal
catching up…
day on
at the airport…
come and go
joy in
as days prolong…
classic music
wolves galore
i stop to think…
this one i feed?
sunday run
in new snow…
everything so clear
shared meal
and renewed hope…
new people
weekend near
that sinking feelin’…
of more blues
not a sign…
impending snow
evening rounds
waiting again…
more snow
like that
along came…
more clouds
monday morn
the week opens…
to Tchaikovsky blues
evening circle
even the dog…
suddenly slow
earth day
some sense of…
morn’ sun
cats stare out…
spring blooms
good enough…
just one
big sigh
even sometimes…
dog do that
morning glow
in this blue…
something new
sunshine beckons
april afternoon…
chill so far away
pain holds
and no comfort…
destination unknown
something said
among everything else…
shared meal
and sense of joy…
sunday evening
spirits high
knowing there is…
taureg blues
slow friday
everything else…
as meant to be
then again
as things go…
so did the cats
beyond snow melt…
grass greener
circle marks
another round…
snow dog
silent walk
shattered by…
sirens galore
brilliant white
welcoming april…
mountain tops
communal platter
things come together…
new happiness
evening draws
so does this month…
another end
morning joy
even the dog’s tail…
not stopping
day later
a walk later…
same old
sun shine
hard to come by…
foggy days
purple blossoms
its various shades…
sky blue
sun shine
putting away…
morn blues
snow walk
even the dog…
in delight
friday evening
tracing a path…
homeless and his tree
evening walk
trailing me…
bitter beer taste
gentle sound
an alternate of…
cat and dog snore
street lamps
glowing in the dark…
spring blooms
edge of dip
my mind suddenly…
weak as my knees
wind swept
inspiring in white…
stoic mountains
night drive
in this silence…
eerie mountains
miles later
gathering up…
beads of sweat
mad rush
among gray suits…
a new companion
moon shine
sober reflection…
over reykjavik
step by step
away from home…
deep sadness
easing in
to classical music…
another evening
cold wind
even dog ears…
point eastward
gooey soup
we dunk in to…
something new
purple haze
the west turns…
sip of wine
cat nap
in this quiet…
gentle snore
another one
as things go…
small change
tucked in
even the cat…
seeks warmth
along morning
brush aside…
cat unfurls
sunday sun
homeless man soaks in…
loud snore
clumsy teens
in tender innocence…
friday nite
finding solace…
city lights
crocus blooms
yellow and purple…
things do change
march 1
i seek solace…
in longer days
cold air
my fingers…
tad colder
as things go
even reality…
bit unreal
taking turns
soaking it in…
sunday sun
birds chirp
in sunshine…
everything is real
step by step
following the sun…
hide and seek
birds chatter
blue sky welcome…
another morning
strange cold
sudden change into…
california days
lights shimmer
invitation this night…
crocus blooms
among crisp leaves…
somethings change
wind swept
even dog hair…
city lights
around the block…
another spin
afternoon moves
tracing a path…
bald and homeless
another sip
among new friends…
belgian style
soaking it all…
another day
special day
knowing that…
every day is
morning snuggle
as day rolls…
dog and cat show
sunday afternoon
even the dog…
wants it easy
cool evening
my mind in…
gentle ease
dog snout
a touch…
gentle cold
my mouth fills…
beet burger
afternoon warmth
in the sun…
mountains so distant
cats prowl
hard to resist…
dog snore
evening walk
no strangers note…
my naked feet
lady gaga
drawn to…
cat purrs
twilight hour
hoping for sanity…
nuts will be nuts
flash light
even it shivers…
friday evening
another slip
we take turns…
old and his stick
ears tickle
together we find…
another winter evening
steps made
different direction…
evening closes on me
slow move
yet again…
time still
safe distance
yet keeping an eye…
cat prowls
for a flash…
purples and orange
over the city
evening sun settles…
new shaded of yellow
lake ice
from another angle…
shades of blue
warmth brings
among other things…
crackling snow
next to my head…
dog snore
snowed in
even the cats…
take it easy
storm front
first signs…
birds in sky
canadian geese
flow brings…
shifting snow
in a moment…
there then gone
morning opens
making space…
something new
slow dance
shadows beckon…
behind dancer
minute after minute
flowing through…
silence notes
generations on
an old practice…
back in vogue
end of year
paddy fields shine…
a near glow
ruining it
dog pile and rest…
among ruins
orange haze
morning opens…
to things unknown
big enough
our museum visit…
chaos and delight
traffic jam
on to other side
old friend
reconnection over…
philosophy and cheese
hustling humans
of every kind…
stuck in lax
snow’s gone
flight delays…
oh well
slow crush
of snow pile…
another monday
afternoon pleasure
layering her jeans…
splattered snow
twilight hour
gentleness of snow…
under my feet
gentle glow
outside window pane…
more snow
chaos of day
all that is left…
night music
evening settles
drawing me in to…
new sadness
lone horse
across range…
winter day
sense of ice
even the dog…
takes it slow
winter air
blowing along…
afternoon snow
dripping down
window sill…
yesterday’s snow
another twist
friday evening…
more snow
bitter ears
our daily rounds…
lake frozen
white spread
in this snow…
doggie angels
streaming audio
in time for season…
fat cat
petting his back…
winter storm
orange expanse
sky opens…
sliver of moon
another step
even geese unsure…
frozen lake
snow flakes
in the drench…
city shimmers
in distance…
twilight traffic
gray footpath reveals…
my gentle footprints
lost in
gentle moves…
train spell
library book
at check in…
afternoon cold
circles of blue
in purple waters…
ducks rendezvous
clouds soft
across wy range…
winter afternoon
wind swept
another day…
on the range
day of thanks
in good things…
new revival
toes tingle
to wyoming cold…
just being
cat meows
end of day…
cold darkness
moment later
she snatches one…
cat poop?
city drive
traffic reveals…
cat purrs
stopping to listen…
classical music
years later
all together…
glass of barolo
drops tingle
on drawn tongue…
first snow
night stillness
drawing me in…
delicate breathing
cat purr
louder than…
her poem
evening moment
as supermoon unfolds…
a legend passes on
winter sun
scattered orange…
rays of hope
pebbles cold
our toes tickle…
skinny dipping?
sips of beer
in between…
actual work
tuesday sun
drifting in air…
more of it
night closes
faster then usual…
election eve
afternoon walk
among all things…
flatirons beckon
cathead butts
nothing else…
dog stalked
evening walk
clear skies reveal…
sliver moon
afternoon walkers
nonchalant spectators…
wading ducks
morning fog
cat meows
aspen forest
thin lines reveal…
distant roads
same place
years later…
more squeaks
day of lights
okay at times…
seek darkness
orange drops
different shades…
leaves so silent
snooze time
cats and dog…
distant siren
october day
in search of snow…
warmth bringth
cricket songs
night settles to…
new companions
silent cats
in evening lull…
another sneeze
heated sunday
dust settles…
so does this day
sudden bump
home bound again…
the rockies
another city
this morning brings…
morning glories
lost moment
darkness draws me in…
train window
october chill
renewed delight in…
october sun
gentle caress
as evening closes…
cat nips
skin glows
everything must shine…
hand in hand
neighborhood trees drop…
shades of yellow
leaves crackle
full moon
crisp curl
pumpkin leaves…
time for change
purple tiny
a close look…
dew drops
leaves crackle
here and there…
morning rain
coffee catchup
lost in the moment…
parking ticket
vast expanse
we soak it in…
wyoming sky
can of seeds
now we see…
new growth
old home
mind steers to…
new horizons
tibetan bowls
this morning…
things must ease
air plant
reveals this morning…
tender blue
morning opens
nobody welcomes…
this chillier day
near now
cat rehearses…
another sniffle
same mountains
years later…
still the same
purple skies
everything now…
shade darker
cricket songs
daily ritual
happy dog on…
morning shuffle
blades of grass
toes tickle…
in afternoon sun
mountains tall
only thing…
morning bark
neighbor’s lawn mower…
also gone silent
radish purple
kitchen glows…
of new color
fall day
even the sunflowers…
on slow wilt
grass pile
as things go…
another sniff
cricket songs
this evening rolls…
she prefers lady gaga
counting petals
season turns in spite of…
global warming
delicate pink
as crocous go…
mercury still in retro
downward dog
keeping company…
wayward dog
evening sun
orange dog gone…
lavender blooms
precise pick…
my pockets full
evening walk
twilight worries…
lost red chicken
water drops
holding its own…
blade of grass
long walk
across urban landscape…
new possibilities
sea of people
my mind seeks…
urban quiet
feeling it
my way through…
purple blossoms
afternoon chaos
new inspiration reveals…
in quiet moments
afternoon hum
of conifers high…
her time to meditate
shifting time
in tandem stay…
aspen leaves
window pane
slow matters…
to grasshopper move
weighed down
by september sun…
amaranth blooms
eyes spy
on freeway…
dead pigeon
morning tea
some color…
morning glories
yellow clouds
we drift along…
choke cherries
between steps…
more in my face
another beat
not missed…
hopping grasshopper
rain drops
their loudness…
mountains nearer
afternoon sun
on the turnpike…
refreshed memories
evening walk
another moment…
just in silence
trash bin
in and out…
birthday balloon
russian sage
this day begins…
swarm of bees
round & about
we seek out…
the urban mind
afternoon sun
in deep blue…
juniper berries
sneaking up
another day…
morning glories
classical music
the cats too…
just mellow
fan stops
left with…
here we are
evening storm
even the cats…
takes it easy
butterfly purple
among all things…
a new morning
in morning silence…
new hope
in my mouth
a rush of flavors…
seabuckthorn berries
under half moon
reflecting on lost…
ladakhi glacier
spituk gompa
midst of quiet…
new meanings
thin air
delightful being…
we are here
smiles denoted
we seek blessings…
not another day
elephant stiffens
at every command…
morning scrub
road side
taking a break…
morning cuppa
midst of
family and friends…
new beginnings
special day
a new life
no bound known…
welcome home
footpath curb
lighting the day up…
marigold blooms
blue waters
feeling deep…
dusk settles
i count the birds…
going silent
morning ritual
neighbor busy picking…
ginkgo seeds
raven shrieks
our every move…
just louder
old and new
locked away…
brown boxes
among the eerie…
nothing else
deep anguish
and broken dreams…
neighbors’ faces
everything else
besides of it…
slice of moon
jaracanda blooms
with every passing day…
streets more purple
4th crackles
cats prefer…
closet spaces
making rounds
around same spaces…
another sunday
amy’s joint
we dig deep…
vegan burgers
friday afternoon
finding joy…
cat naps
in all this noise…
dog seeks the quiet
once more
counting steps…
new possibilities
fresh sheets
snoozing in delight…
tired dog
making rounds
our minds move…
new direction
day opens
as things go…
new delights
pho dinner
find left with…
elusive bowl
espresso sip
across my lips…
sudden joy
barren streets
this summer afternoon…
bees buzz
small shade
no limits…
hot dog
on worn carpet…
cat walk
strawberry moon
picking in its shadow…
three swans
evening dark
the cat’s snore…
angry crows
dog walk
eerie silence
in defiance…
carrot crunch
stevie wonder’s
mindful jive…
my coffee maker
inspired again
humble stance…
beauty of mountains
layers gone
feel relief…
colorado sun
then down…
memory lane
pine needles
the air fills…
new sensation
mountain top
splatter of snow…
my mind at ease
half moon
on other side…
half moon
afternoon walk
new sensation…
gingko rain
hill top heart
rolling in…
evening fog
morning silence
moments of joy…
cat’s sneeze
sun shade
between the two…
we hide and seek
distant crow
twilight hour…
new song
noon heat…
morning warmth
eyeing the lonely bright…
morning glory
my shirt pocket
full to the brim…
fresh lavender smell
bumble bee
bloom to bloom…
no trace
evening air
even the date trees…
so still
road purple
with every move…
jaracanda floats
jasmine wift
across neighbor’s…
memory lane
setting sun
we seek in earnest…
another montana evening
setting sun
keeping pace…
shifting clouds
across car window…
rain drops
mountain water
shifting in and out…
green over green
taking leave
across the sky…
melting clouds
cat yawn
at distant…
night shade
moments later
i find it all…
dog snore
orange blooms
edges trimmed…
soft prickles
neon lights
rear view pales…
the full moon
cat purr
blind stare…
at polka dots
tiger lily
blooms unfaded…
in trash bin
purple sky
after the heat…
cool moonlight
yoga pose
middle of it…
mind elsewhere
spying at us
from the edge…
mama bird
jaracanda blooms
if you insist…
purple on purple
orange streak
across evening sky…
everything does change
redwood silhouette…
night quiet
drawing me in…
gentle snore
drawing from out in…
night lights
along the way
old friends and new…
evening walk
shades of purple
this morning welcomes…
morning glories
saturday rain
missing her…
warm pho
straight face
i find myself…
old friends
season’s first
no time to admire…
morning glory
iris bloom
in its yellowness…
red streak
morning meditation
purring through it…
old cat
clouds lift
this morning opens to…
all things bright
dog tail
in its twist…
new affection
morning sun
even blue eyes…
see orange days.
orange roses
morning opens to…
different shades
evening chill…
in spite the sun
setting sun
soaking it in…
evening cool
jaracanda blossoms
this spring evening…
full of memories
another day slowly…
passes by
slow walk
even the fast dog…
has aged
endless quiet
this morning brings…
everything special
morning snail
on its back…
rain drops
inspiring us…
california poppies
weaving in
and out of puddles…
city madness
beyond it all…
rain drops
ac drone
middle of it all…
a sense of quiet
rain spreads
citylight sparkle…
no more darkness
spot light
beyond her fado…
gentle guitar
friday sun
happy just picking…
dog poop
evening argument
with darkness…
things settle
night time
in our company…
cat purrs
cat stare
once again…
evening settles
shades of pink
this day hardly…
but gray
poppies sprinkle
along the same road…
times change
hibiscus bloom
we stare at its curves…
under the rain
cat prowl
evening defined…
by fresh rain
clouds welcome
perhaps rains as well…
first zucchini blossom
paws strut
his gentle reminder…
its another day
evening sun
our chat spills over…
same old things
old man
cracking his snack…
small joy
central valley drive
our argument over…
country’s food basket
drum beats
our minds churn…
something else
poppy blossom
filling us in…
renewed hope
another friday
makes me another…
april fool
end of quarter
i ponder on…
all things considered
distant rumbles
yet a feeling…
of something closer
distant train
in synchronicity…
waking songbirds
evening chill
even the songbirds…
years later
pale blue delight…
lilac blossoms
afternoon walk
our minds open…
jasmine fragrance
afternoon sun
breaking even more…
new warmth
afternoon walk
filling my face…
purple blossoms
distant dog
her silence reveals…
new pain
full moon
her blue eyes reveals…
something new
slow pace
crossing my path…
odd snail
evening walk
drawn in…
to ginkgo buds
drawing me in…
cantor chants
drum beat
echoing in my ears…
earth’s lamentations
sleep and snore
drawing me in…
good times
yellow blooms
moving with time…
dog sniff
meditation time
my mind fills…
cat purrs.
minutes later
i make time…
for cat snores
rainy afternoon
i find comfort in…
my friend’s muzzle
marble floor
her toes reveal…
blood stains
in their song…
somethings change
democracy now
breaking the drone…
cat purr
soft crunch
my mouth filled…
almond fruits
season’s first
almond fruits…
all things good
evening walk
along same lanes…
things do change
black birds
new hide and seek…
my fat kitty
tranquil waters
eyeing our snacks…
pair of ravens
between snores
i find again…
deeper silence
brown clouds
evening ahead…
burger joint
among all things…
ketchup is best
distant train
filling me up…
distant memories
carmel ice cream
moment lost to…
cat fight
gentle stroke
in my ear…
cat purrs
stripping cat
of its winter coat…
fuller moon
full moon
mindful of it…
dog howl
evening chill
even the dog leash…
now cold
evening settles
comfort in…
cat’s purr
rest easy
evening brings…
vegan burgers
night sky
opening it up…
magnolia blossoms
lama chants
in spite of it…
temper tantrum
half moon
my mind wonders…
the dark side
backyard spring
last year’s sow…
now poppy plants
by fridge
wait for carrots…
dog burp
evening scattered
across neighbor’s lawn…
cherry blossoms
whispering air
room fills in…
lavender air
shades of blue
i spy in there…
sliver moon
face drenched
this drive brings…
morning sun
turkish coffee
my face seeks warmth…
of the sun
night black
tracing lights…
on the road
we settle into…
evening silence
almond blossoms
in my face…
spring is here
after the rains
this morning brings…
feb chills
edges of my nose…
thai chillies
caucus night
we seek quiet of…
sound machine
sunday sun
quietness no more…
she chatters
neighborhood walk
drains gurgle…
overnite rain
friday rain
my ears follow…
ice cream truck
rude awake…
school is out
japanese incense
my mind infused…
new thoughts
afternoon sun
the walk reveals…
nodes on bare branches
the shadows deeper…
in her eyes
cat purr
another stare…
evening settles
afternoon walk
my winter jacket…
darker in rain
in hide and seek…
grass blades do…
morning mist
afternoon goes
among all things…
cat just pooped
after rains
a smile again…
back in left coast
winter evening
around the city…
pine trees
side on roadside…
xmas must be over
small talk
and in between…
good stout
snow flakes
the wing drenched…
east coast is here
winter rain
washing me over…
new memories
orange clouds
with their fade…
everything must change
morning walk
the corner reveals…
lavender blossoms
gentle move
i settle in…
dog snore
in sync
sandpipers forage…
we walk on
seek again
i find within…
quiet space
breathin’ in
to my evening arms…
dog snout
twilight zone
we sink into…
digital lives
lost voice
appreciating in this rain…
deeper silence
el nino rain
even the dog’s got…
the blues
morning delight
i follow contours of…
fingerling potatoes
strange bother
at friend’s dinner…
dog snore
gentle sing
in my ears…
dog snore
twilight hour
spreading across face…
sun and smile
new year’s eve
same birds in…
different light
rain river
even the dog…
feels them blues
gray skies
my mind insists…
brighter things
traffic lights
stuck in windshield…
ginkgo leaf
twilight walk
ginkgo leaves crunch…
yellow to pale
hard drive drone
this Sunday morning…
things at ease
twilight hour
around the bay…
a hushed silence
brown boxes
cats slip in to…
their new abodes
gentle noise for…
morning meditation
evening sun
grass tones into…
darker yellow
this tuesday
brings old back…
all things considered
twilight hour
cats quieter…
distant train
cars blanketed
in november ritual…
yellow ginkgo leaves
silence persists
my mind relishes…
all things unknown
evening sun
we all reflect…
passage of time
indian meal
so goes another…
sun stretches
across western horizon…
so does ms. amelie
snow storm
in my own mind…
distant memories
evening walk
dog poop
also cold
neighborhood yellow
our path smattered…
ginkgo leaves
yellow splash
in evening darkness…
ginkgo leaves
fall days
the ‘hood full…
of citrus yellows
wilted rose
in the afternoon…
waiting for rains
ginkgo leaves
chasing them yellows
our shadows
morning hush
among all things…
her gentle snore
seething in
a change of pace…
another day
november morning
even our dog…
seeks the rain
drawing us in…
flamenco jazz
persimmons neighbor’s
just out of reach…
5 for a dollar